Android developer CLZ released 6 applications and reached 29178 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.78. Below is the list of android applications by CLZ.

Developer info
Title: CLZ
Country: NL Netherlands
Address: WG Plein 384 1054 SG Amsterdam The Netherlands
Total ratings: 29,178
Average rating: 4.78
Installs (achieved): 510,000

List of android apps by CLZ
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
38012. CLZ Comics comic book database CLZ Comics comic book database 12392 100.0 k 4.84 1.98% 2.79% Free
51389. CLZ Movies - movie database CLZ Movies - movie database 6853 100.0 k 4.71 1.33% 2.87% Free
68383. CLZ Games: video game database CLZ Games: video game database 3673 100.0 k 4.79 2.15% 3.24% Free
74557. CLZ Music, CD/vinyl collection CLZ Music, CD/vinyl collection 3003 100.0 k 4.69 1.39% 3.04% Free
75553. CLZ Books - library organizer CLZ Books - library organizer 2910 100.0 k 4.9 1.21% 3.45% Free
156111. CLZ Barry CLZ Barry 347 10.0 k 3.75 0.01% 0.02% Free