
Android developer Infomir released 3 applications and reached 2142 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 2.27. Below is the list of android applications by Infomir.

Developer info
Title: Infomir
Country: AE United Arab Emirates
Address: PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY - F.Z.E B1-40 W/H, AJMAN FREEZONE PO BOX 45573 عجمان United Arab Emirates
Total ratings: 2,142
Average rating: 2.27
Installs (achieved): 210,000

List of android apps by Infomir
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
106740. MAGic Remote MAGic Remote 1193 100.0 k 2.5 0.49% 0.95% Free
127630. Ministra Player for Android TV Ministra Player for Android TV 693 100.0 k 1.92 0.28% 1.23% Free
168624. Ministra Player for Smartphone Ministra Player for Smartphone 256 10.0 k 2.18 0.38% 0.83% Free