Jimblify Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Android developer Jimblify Technologies Pvt. Ltd released 3 applications and reached 45810 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.26. Below is the list of android applications by Jimblify Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Developer info
Title: Jimblify Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Country: IN India
Address: #677, 1st Floor, Suite No.766 27th Main, 13th Cross HSR Layout, Sector 1, Bangalore Karnataka, India 560 102
Total ratings: 45,810
Average rating: 4.26
Installs (achieved): 7,000,000

List of android apps by Jimblify Technologies Pvt. Ltd
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
23876. Tamilanda WhatsApp Stickers Tamilanda WhatsApp Stickers 28215 5.0 M 4.4 1.19% 2.47% Free
39706. Bindaas: Hindi WASticker App Bindaas: Hindi WASticker App 11419 1.0 M 4.0 0.57% 1.19% Free
54018. Kirrak Telugu WhatsApp Sticker Kirrak Telugu WhatsApp Sticker 6176 1.0 M 4.08 6.04% 13.88% Free