Mandy Lin

Android developer Mandy Lin released 6 applications and reached 4002 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.20. Below is the list of android applications by Mandy Lin.

Developer info
Title: Mandy Lin
Total ratings: 4,002
Average rating: 4.20
Installs (achieved): 720,000

List of android apps by Mandy Lin
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
82540. Stacker Mahjong 3D Stacker Mahjong 3D 2343 500.0 k 4.29 0.21% 0.3% Free
122614. Mahjong Match 2 Mahjong Match 2 787 100.0 k 3.99 0.04% 0.09% Free
151245. Stacker Mahjong2 Fantasy World Stacker Mahjong2 Fantasy World 390 50.0 k 4.16 0.5% 0.54% Free
165480. Stack of Mahjong Stack of Mahjong 277 50.0 k 4.12 0.04% 0.07% Free
198971. Wind of Mahjong Wind of Mahjong 120 10.0 k 4.35 0.81% 1.26% Free
211008. 3D Mahjong Triple Tile Match 3D Mahjong Triple Tile Match 85 10.0 k 3.96 1.15% 0.83% Free